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Would you like to hear about the history of the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank?  Donna Smith has been asked to present this history, and the history of the School Breakfast Clubs, at the Richmond Hill Historical Society monthly meeting.
    Date:  Tuesday March 18, 2025
    Time:  6:30 pm begins with light
                refreshments and visiting.
                7:00 meeting and program
     Where:  Richmond Hill Public
                    Library, Main Branch, 
                    Yonge Street and Maj.   
                    Mackenzie Drive
      Cost:  $5.00
Our church started both these Outreach programs in response to the need to support our neighbours who experience food insecurity in their home.  Opening in 1986, it was considered to be a short-term “band aid”, but grew to be the only “growth business” in Town!  The WHY is known, but the HOW, WHERE and WHO will be shared. 
I would love to see some RHUC’ers in the audience.
Donna Smith, Former Coordinator,
Richmond Hill Community Food Bank
