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Thank you to those who submitted names for consideration regarding the setting up of the Search Team.

The following members of RHUC have been approved by the Board to serve on the Search Team as we seek to call a new minister.

Carolyn Balant

David Leyton Brown

Dianne McLeod

Christopher McCuaig

Jane Ridout

Bruce Rhodes

Jane Wedlock

On Sunday March 9, we completed our training with our Pastoral Relations Liaison appointed by Shining Waters Region.  Barb Hendren will travel with us on this journey offering advice and support as needed.  She will be present in person at particular points on the journey.

Confidentiality is a major focus of the process going forward. The Search Team will share information as we are able related to progress we are making.  Please respect this aspect of the Search.  It is critically important.

We are currently working on the Living Faith Story which speaks to who we are as a congregation and where we are heading,  and together with the Position Description these will be brought to the congregation for approval prior to being posted on the Church Hub for potential candidates to view.  The financial viability report is also an important component that will inform our work.

The team has advised the Board that we will likely need a short term appointment position to travel with us as the Search Process continues over the next few months.  You will recall that before we called Karen, Ruth Noble held a part time position with us for 6 months.

Please keep the Team in your prayers as we undertake this work. We look forward to sharing more information with you in the coming days. Thank you.