For the last three months before the summer we have undertaken to serve 3 dinners at St. Mary's Anglican Church .on Monday evenings. St. Mary's will also provide 3dinners so this means that our OOTC guests will have homemade food every other week and catering the weeks in between. Two of our volunteer group will have their food handling certificates (fingers crossed!) so we will be able to cook unsupervised ! We will be using china plates and real cutlery but OOTC kitchen staff will be serving and cleaning up. I will do the shopping and will need volunteers to help prepare the dinners on site at ST. Mary's on Monday afternoons, April 21, May 12 and June 9 probably from 2 pm to 4 pm. If you are interested in helping please contact Lyn May. Our monthly Tuesday Krasman lunches will also continue. I have tried to stagger the dates so that volunteers who want to help out with both will be able to schedule it. I look forward to any donations of time or food prep . Some people have also mentioned that they are unable to help but would like to donate toward food costs. Donations through the church office labelled OOTC or Krasman are very welcome. Thanks to all who have helped in the past and those who are considering stepping up for the next few months. Lyn May