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Richmond Hill United Church's next in-person Men’s Breakfast will be on Saturday, January 11th, 2025.  Coffee, Tea and conversation will begin at 8:00 am followed by breakfast at 8:30 am, prepared by our UCW friends.  All are most welcome, so please feel free to invite your friends and loved ones.  The Men’s Breakfast is a time of fellowship and camaraderie for all Genders.  Please contact us if you’re interested in more information about it. Cost is $15 / person, with net proceeds to the UCW. Kindly RSVP Harry Ramsaran ( or at (647) 389-4758 by Thursday, January 9th

Kind regards 


647 389 4758

After breakfast we are delighted to have our regular attendee Paul Lynott give a presentation on the topic, as Paul himself  has described here:

Several years ago, I sent a request to Archives Canada, for information regarding the development of Radio in Canada.  It was for a presentation that I was putting together for a local historical society.  One of the photos that I received, taken in 1923,  was of a passenger rail car that showed passengers wearing headphones.  The only information supplied was the date that the photo was taken.  Bit of a mystery.

Researching the photo was a challenge but, what it revealed was that although on-train radio service was available to our neighbors south of the border and on trains in Europe.  No one did it better than the Canadians.

In the presentation,  I will talk about  why this service came into being, how it worked and what happened to it.  It's legacy is that it resulted in one of the most admired radio services in the world.

Short Bio:  When I was five years old.  I played on our family radio set.  I heard strange noises.  My dad told me that it was the short wave band and that there were interesting things on that band.  That's when I was bitten by the radio bug.  I hold an advanced amateur radio licence that allows me to transmit worldwide.  I enjoy speaking to groups about radio.