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Richmond Hill United Church's next in-person Men’s Breakfast will be on Saturday, December 14th, 2024.  Coffee, Tea and conversation will begin at 8:00 am followed by breakfast at 8:30 am, prepared by our UCW friends.  All are most welcome, so please feel free to invite your friends and loved ones.  The Men’s Breakfast is a time of fellowship and camaraderie for all Genders.  Please contact us if you’re interested in more information about it. Cost is $15 / person, with net proceeds to the UCW. Kindly RSVP Harry Ramsaran ( or at (647) 389-4758 by Thursday, December 12th.  Thank you!

After Breakfast we are delighted to have Ian Wilgus speak on his journey of becoming a United Church of Canada Minister.

Ian Wilgus has been a long-time member of Richmond Hill United Church. Ian was involved in the church’s youth choir (after saying for years that he couldn’t sing), and has been a long time member of the HAIR group (Heritics, Agnostics, Infidels and other Riff Raff). He has also attended Shalom Seekers. Throughout his time at the church, he has deeply appreciated the mentorship of the church’s ministers and other members. You have all been deeply important in developing my sense of vocation

He is now at Greenbank and Seagrave United Churches doing his Supervised Ministry Education placement. These placements are two years, and are the final step to ordination. Ian still does a double take when he is introduced as the minister!

In his free time, he loves spending time with his dog Sprout, and watching comedies such as Big Bang Theory and Schitt's Creek.



Kind Regards,

Harry Ramsaran,

647 389 4758