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As part of the redevelopment of the sanctuary, we have been working with ERA Heritage Architects to ascertain the structural condition of this space.  The Condition Assessment Report has shown that the ceiling lath plaster needs work. 

There are two areas of particular concern that need repair –

  • Above the choir loft & organ console
  • The molding in the northeast corner of the sanctuary

This is a safety concern and so these areas have been marked off and are not to be used.  Access from Centennial Hall will be through the south door; the north door access is unavailable.

Please know that the Board held a special meeting to discuss this matter on June 17 and is working with the Redevelopment Team to gather more information. We will keep you updated with any further developments.

Thank you,

Jane Wedlock (Chair of Redevelopment Team)

Doug Loweth (Chair of Operations)

DJ McCready (Chair of Board)