As a faith community, RHUC has committed to Right Relations with First Nations, Inuit and Metis people of Canada amd to supporting the Reconciliation procecess.

The Living in Right Relations Committee is the group which support this work both within RHUC and throughout the wider community of Richmond Hill by participating in the "Pathways Towards Reconciliation" group.

RHUC also supports the Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School, a First Nations high school in Thundar Bay, Ontario: by providing winter coats and other necessities.

Ontario Pow Wows are back in 2024. Filled with joy, ceremony, and fellowship, these cultural gatherings are an important part of Indigenous identity and tradition for many First Nations communities. Attending a Pow Wow either as a respectful guest or as a participant is a special way to experience Indigenous culture.

Culture, community, food, dancing, music, tradition, regalia—check out the 2024 pow wow calendar and discover where to celebrate this year.  For more information CLICK HERE


Here is the upcoming event  for 2024:

Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre Pow Wow  June 21 - 22 CLICK HERE

CBC posted this list of 30 Must-Read Indigenous books curated by Michelle Good (Five Little Indians) CLICK HERE

In March 2018, CBC News launched Beyond 94, a website that monitors progress on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action.  The site provides up-to-date status reports on each call to action, as well as extensive summaries explaining those status reports.  Check it out using this link

The video above was shared at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts , prior to the keynote speaker Brenda Wastasecoot's presentation September 30th.   It is entitled "Stolen Children, Residential School survivors speak out".

Contact Tracy Wixon

From Apology towards Reconciliation

Based on the memories of the Very Rev. Stanley McKay and others who took part in the earliest national Aboriginal ministries consultations in the 1980s.

Long before my people journeyed to this land your peoples were here, and you received from your Elders an understanding of creation and of the Mystery that surrounds us all that was deep, and rich, and to be treasured. We did not hear you when you shared your vision. In our zeal to tell you of the good news of Jesus Christ we were closed to the value of your spirituality. We confused Western ways and culture with the depth and breadth and length and height of the gospel of Christ. We imposed our civilization as a condition of accepting the gospel. We tried to make you be like us and in so doing we helped to destroy the vision that made you what you were. As a result, you, and we, are poorer and the image of the Creator in us is twisted, blurred, and we are not what we are meant by God to be.

We ask you to forgive us and to walk together with us in the Spirit so that our peoples may be blessed, and God’s creation healed.