We are proud to declare that Richmond Hill United Church is an affirming ministry, celebrating diversity and committed to the inclusion of and justice for, all people, regardless of culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ability, economic circumstance, or any other difference that has led to exclusion, marginalization, or oppression within the church or society.

In response to God’s deep and caring love, as expressed in the teachings of Jesus, we strive to offer that love to others. We welcome, invite, and affirm all people as full participants in every aspect of the life of the congregation.

As an affirming ministry, we declare publicly our intention to create a safe space within which lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their families and friends will celebrate life passages and share in church membership, leadership and mission.

Approved at Congregational Meeting on April 28, 2013

Contact: Joan Verner, chair of Affirm RHUC
