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Richmond Hill United Church's next in-person Men’s Breakfast will be on Saturday, March 8th, 2025.  Coffee, Tea and conversation will begin at 8:00 am followed by breakfast at 8:30 am, prepared by our UCW friends.  All are most welcome, so please feel free to invite your friends and loved ones.  The Men’s Breakfast is a time of fellowship and camaraderie for all Genders.  Please contact us if you’re interested in more information about it. Cost is $15 / person, with net proceeds to the UCW. Kindly RSVP Harry Ramsaran ( or at (647) 389-4758 by Thursday, March 6th.

After breakfast we are delighted to have Peter Wilson from Richmond Hill Public Library speaking to us about the History of Library Services in Richmond Hill and the Richmond Hill Public Library.

 Peter Wilson is the Digital Content Librarian at the Richmond Hill Public Library. He is also responsible for the Library’s extensive local history and genealogy collection, housed in the Mary-Lou Griffin Local History Room on the 4th Floor of Central Library.

Peter has been with the Library for over 7 years and was originally in the role of Local History and Genealogy Librarian. He has extensive experience with local history and genealogical research, particularly in the Richmond Hill area.

Kind Regards,


647 389 4758