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You are invited to this upcoming Lay Leaders webinar. A 'lay leader' includes Lay Representatives and lay persons who serve in any kind of leadership role in the local community of faith.

Challenges emerge in congregational life when healthy disagreements tip over into conflict and entrenchment. Disagreeing well becomes especially challenging in the context of change or when the reality of change thrusts the congregation into discord. This session defines disagreement and conflict, considers the impact of change, and lays down root principles that support conflict’s transformation.

This webinar is to support and strengthen congregational lay leaders as well ministry personnel as they reflect on their church context, learn about congregational health, explore and identify their own community of faith’s path to healing and wellness, deepen their understanding of their own call to leadership, and discern God’s path for their churches.

Register here


Facilitator: Dr. Betty Pries

Staff Facilitators: Diane Matheson-Jimenez and Melody Duncanson-Hales